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Inglés – Riesgos

By 15/07/2015No Comments

Modalidad: Teleformación – Duración: 8 h – Código: 685

Objetivos:  In this unit of study, students will continue to be focused on increasing vocabulary with intermediate terms. There is frequent pronunciation and picture association of vocabulary terms to reinforce learning. Realistic dialogues, error detection and correction, an assignment sent to a tutor and freeform speaking encourages student to use vocabulary and express themselves.


Insurance vocabulary

The second part of the course focuses on more intermediate vocabulary in the environment of insurance. Some vocabulary included are – coinsurance, compensation, death benefit, stop loss and elimination period. It is presented in written and spoken exercises to solidify understanding. Vocabulary meanings and sentences are provided to enhance learning.


Typical situation – Two friends talking about car insurance

This real world situation exposes student to use of vocabulary. It will ask students to practice their listening and comprehension skills by following a dialogue of two friends speaking about car insurance.


Dialogue – Taking risks and accidents

The student will answer verbally a series of questions that are asked related to insurance and risks. Using vocabulary studied in the previous and current lessons is encouraged.



This activity will further reinforce vocabulary understanding. Through a variety of different interactive methods, the consolidation lesson with take all vocabulary of this unit and continue learning skills.


Additional Exercises

In this activity, students will answer and solidify understanding of definitions and concepts learned in the course. This will be presented in various forms of questions such as word scrambles, multiple choice and fill in the blanks.


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