Modalidad: Teleformación – Duración: 23 h – Código: 687
Objectives: The course content remains functional and focused entirely on improving learner independence in the area of insurance, expressing oneself and responding to questions. The learner will practice visual recognition and written skills of vocabulary through frequent and repeated word-picture association exercises from beginner to intermediate to more advanced terms.
The variety of exercises not only caters for different learner styles but also guarantees thorough coverage of the topics covered. The course also comprises of a series of interactive exercises such as listening comprehension with realistic dialogues, freeform speaking exercises and Writing and Speaking labs in which tutors provide feedback.
- This unit will explore the beginner vocabulary and concepts of insurance. Word-picture association, listening comprehension, a submit assignment to a tutor and a variety of exercises to evaluate learning will assist students in learning insurance basics. Students will also learn vocabulary through repetition, real-life situations and freeform questions to solidify vocabulary terms.
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- Insurance vocabulary
- The course content introduces beginner vocabulary in the area of Insurance. There is pronunciation practice and the learner is exposed to verbal and written practice of the vocabulary. Sentences and definitions of all vocabulary are available for full comprehension of the terms. Vocabulary includes – annuity, casualty, moral hazard, maturity value, insured and proposer.
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- Typical situation – Telephone life insurance sales
- In this lesson, students will practice their understanding and comprehension by listening and following along with a typical situation in a real life situation. We will be listening to a phone call between an insurance salesperson and a potential new client regarding life insurance.
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- Dialogue – Questions from a customer to an auto insurance representative
- The learner will work their freeform speaking by answering questions that are asked related to auto insurance. The questions will be sample questions a customer would ask an auto insurance representative.
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- Consolidation
- This activity will further reinforce vocabulary understanding. Through a variety of different interactive methods, the consolidation lesson with take all vocabulary of this unit and continue learning skills.
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- Additional Exercises
- In this activity, students will answer various types of questions to evaluate understanding of previous lessons. They will answer true or false, fill in the blank and multiple choice questions to name a few.
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- In this second unit of study, students will continue to be focused on increasing vocabulary with intermediate terms. As with the previous block, there is frequent pronunciation and picture association of vocabulary terms to reinforce learning. Realistic dialogues, error detection and correction, an assignment sent to a tutor and freeform speaking encourages student to use vocabulary and express themselves.
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- Insurance vocabulary
- The second part of the course focuses on more intermediate vocabulary in the environment of insurance. Some vocabulary included are – coinsurance, compensation, death benefit, stop loss and elimination period. It is presented in written and spoken exercises to solidify understanding. Vocabulary meanings and sentences are provided to enhance learning.
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- Typical situation – Two friends talking about car insurance
- This real world situation exposes student to use of vocabulary. It will ask students to practice their listening and comprehension skills by following a dialogue of two friends speaking about car insurance.
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- Dialogue – Taking risks and accidents
- The student will answer verbally a series of questions that are asked related to insurance and risks. Using vocabulary studied in the previous and current lessons is encouraged.
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- Consolidation
- This activity will further reinforce vocabulary understanding. Through a variety of different interactive methods, the consolidation lesson with take all vocabulary of this unit and continue learning skills.
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- Additional Exercises
- In this activity, students will answer and solidify understanding of definitions and concepts learned in the course. This will be presented in various forms of questions such as word scrambles, multiple choice and fill in the blanks.
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- This final unit is centered around more advanced terminology in the insurance field. Students will progress and learn in a similar fashion as previous units. Students will model native speakers in repeated word and picture associated vocabulary, many different styles of vocabulary practice through exercises including a final lesson encompassing all terms from this course. Students are asked to follow conversations, submit an assignment to a tutor for feed back and provide unprepared answers in dialogue section.
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- Insurance vocabulary
- In this final section of insurance, students will be exposed to more difficult vocabulary. Terms will be defined and a sentence provided to enhance vocabulary. Vocabulary includes – aleatory, convertible, exclusions, fortuity and indemnify. Students can practice their speaking and at the same time learning what each term means.
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- Typical situation – Car accident and insurance
- This spoken real life situation is presented for students to expose student to vocabulary and a typical situation in regards to insurance. We will listen to two friends speaking about car insurance after an accident.
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- Dialogue – Looking after our health and insurance
- This activity will prompt the learner to practice speaking by asking a series of questions related to insurance and health.
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- Consolidation
- Activities are presented to student to confirm comprehension of terms and concepts studied in this course. Understanding will be measures with various styles of questions such as multiple choice and unscrambling sentences.
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- Additional Exercises
- This activity will further reinforce vocabulary understanding. Through a variety of different interactive methods, the consolidation lesson with take all vocabulary of this unit and continue learning skills.
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