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Inglés – Farmacias

By 15/07/2015No Comments

Modalidad: Teleformación – Duración: 18 h – Código: 674

Objetivos:  On successfully completing the course objectives at this level, learners will have the ability to name, ask for and find common products on sale at a chemist´s. In familiar situations learners will greet people, ask about and understand symptoms that patients describe, fill out prescriptions and recommend the treatment patients need. Inferring context and using interactive exercises to confirm understanding, learners will practice listening and complete sample dialogues that consolidate the vocabulary in the topic. You will complete written exercises that demonstrate you are capable of matching the written forms of words to the vocabulary used in conversations between customers and a health professional at a chemist´s. You will practice the terms in the exercises and keep a record of your pronunciation to monitor the progress you make and encourage reflection.


Pharmaceutical Industry – Useful vocabulary

After this session, learners will be able to:

– Recognize the sound and write the names of everyday items available at a chemist´s

– Check understanding by responding to visual prompts and cues in different contexts.


Pharmaceutical Industry – Feeling ill and solutions

After this session, learners will be able to:

– Understand explanations about straightforward symptoms and the parts of the body affected especially when accompanied by visible cues.

– Recycle and consolidate vocabulary by asking for advice and obtaining an answer in everyday language from a health professional.


Pharmaceutical Industry – Useful expressions

After this session, learners will be able to:

– Understand more explanations about straightforward symptoms and the parts of the body affected especially when accompanied by visible cues.

– Recycle and consolidate further vocabulary by asking for advice and obtaining an answer in everyday language from a health professional.


Pharmaceutical Industry – Typical situation – Filling prescriptions

In this lesson, students will practice their understanding and comprehension by listening to a situation with a chemist diagnosing some common symptoms of a patient.


Pharmaceutical Industry – Dialogue – Medication questions from patients

This lesson provides freeform speaking practice by replying to a series of questions. In this dialogue, the student will listen to typical questions asked of a pharmacist by patients.


Pharmaceutical Industry – Consolidation

The learner will:

– Demonstrate their learning by completing the tests based on the materials in the units.

– Check the form, sound and spelling of the terms practiced is adequate.


Pharmaceutical Industry – Cosmetic products and general

In this lesson, students will be provided basic vocabulary to identify and recognise common cosmetic and general purpose items in a pharmacy through interactive exercises. Vocabulary includes – gauze, first aid, lip blam and beauty products. It is presented in context in sentences and definitions are provided for each term or expression.


Pharmaceutical Industry – Common symptoms

This lesson prepares students to be familiar with common symptoms of patients through a series of listening, pronunciation and writing practices. Some of the vocabulary included are the following: flu, dizzy, pain, stomachache, hives. Students can practice their speaking, and at the same time learn what each term means and aid in their ability to carry outtheir every day tasks in a pharmacy.


Pharmaceutical Industry – Medications

Students will learn about uses of different medications based on medication descriptions. Content is taught through interactive exercises to practice listening, speaking and writing skills. Some of the vocabulary includes: ointment, intravenous, pills, eye drops.  Content is presented in context in sentences and a definition is provided for each term to enhance understanding.


Pharmaceutical Industry – Typical situation – Allergy / Stomach ache

In this lesson, students will listen to real life situations in a pharmacy. A patient has come in with a symptom and the pharmacist must decide the best course of action to treat it. Students will practise both listening skills and comprehensionby following along with this typical situation.


Pharmaceutical Industry – Dialogue – Pharmacy basics

This lesson provides freeform speaking practice by replying to a series of questions. They will use vocabulary and expression studied in the course as part of the answers to the questions asked. This provided an opportunity to use new vocabulary that is learned in the course as well as practice reading and listening skills by correctly responding to questions.


Pharmaceutical Industry – Consolidation

This lesson consolidates all the content studied in the previous lessons through a series of interactivewritten, listening and speaking exercises to identify medications, symptoms and products.The lesson will enhance and reinforce understanding of vocabulary and expressions.

Modalidad: Teleformación – Duración: 18 h – Código: 674

Objetivos:  On successfully completing the course objectives at this level, learners will have the ability to name, ask for and find common products on sale at a chemist´s. In familiar situations learners will greet people, ask about and understand symptoms that patients describe, fill out prescriptions and recommend the treatment patients need. Inferring context and using interactive exercises to confirm understanding, learners will practice listening and complete sample dialogues that consolidate the vocabulary in the topic. You will complete written exercises that demonstrate you are capable of matching the written forms of words to the vocabulary used in conversations between customers and a health professional at a chemist´s. You will practice the terms in the exercises and keep a record of your pronunciation to monitor the progress you make and encourage reflection.


Pharmaceutical Industry – Useful vocabulary

After this session, learners will be able to:

– Recognize the sound and write the names of everyday items available at a chemist´s

– Check understanding by responding to visual prompts and cues in different contexts.


Pharmaceutical Industry – Feeling ill and solutions

After this session, learners will be able to:

– Understand explanations about straightforward symptoms and the parts of the body affected especially when accompanied by visible cues.

– Recycle and consolidate vocabulary by asking for advice and obtaining an answer in everyday language from a health professional.


Pharmaceutical Industry – Useful expressions

After this session, learners will be able to:

– Understand more explanations about straightforward symptoms and the parts of the body affected especially when accompanied by visible cues.

– Recycle and consolidate further vocabulary by asking for advice and obtaining an answer in everyday language from a health professional.


Pharmaceutical Industry – Typical situation – Filling prescriptions

In this lesson, students will practice their understanding and comprehension by listening to a situation with a chemist diagnosing some common symptoms of a patient.


Pharmaceutical Industry – Dialogue – Medication questions from patients

This lesson provides freeform speaking practice by replying to a series of questions. In this dialogue, the student will listen to typical questions asked of a pharmacist by patients.


Pharmaceutical Industry – Consolidation

The learner will:

– Demonstrate their learning by completing the tests based on the materials in the units.

– Check the form, sound and spelling of the terms practiced is adequate.


Pharmaceutical Industry – Cosmetic products and general

In this lesson, students will be provided basic vocabulary to identify and recognise common cosmetic and general purpose items in a pharmacy through interactive exercises. Vocabulary includes – gauze, first aid, lip blam and beauty products. It is presented in context in sentences and definitions are provided for each term or expression.


Pharmaceutical Industry – Common symptoms

This lesson prepares students to be familiar with common symptoms of patients through a series of listening, pronunciation and writing practices. Some of the vocabulary included are the following: flu, dizzy, pain, stomachache, hives. Students can practice their speaking, and at the same time learn what each term means and aid in their ability to carry outtheir every day tasks in a pharmacy.


Pharmaceutical Industry – Medications

Students will learn about uses of different medications based on medication descriptions. Content is taught through interactive exercises to practice listening, speaking and writing skills. Some of the vocabulary includes: ointment, intravenous, pills, eye drops.  Content is presented in context in sentences and a definition is provided for each term to enhance understanding.


Pharmaceutical Industry – Typical situation – Allergy / Stomach ache

In this lesson, students will listen to real life situations in a pharmacy. A patient has come in with a symptom and the pharmacist must decide the best course of action to treat it. Students will practise both listening skills and comprehensionby following along with this typical situation.


Pharmaceutical Industry – Dialogue – Pharmacy basics

This lesson provides freeform speaking practice by replying to a series of questions. They will use vocabulary and expression studied in the course as part of the answers to the questions asked. This provided an opportunity to use new vocabulary that is learned in the course as well as practice reading and listening skills by correctly responding to questions.


Pharmaceutical Industry – Consolidation

This lesson consolidates all the content studied in the previous lessons through a series of interactivewritten, listening and speaking exercises to identify medications, symptoms and products.The lesson will enhance and reinforce understanding of vocabulary and expressions.

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